Saturday, May 31, 2014

Part 10

Annabeth walked into Nico’s room where he sat on the bed, tossing a hacky sack up and down. “Hey Nico.” she said.
Nico paused a moment and looked up. “Hey.” He went back to tossing the hacky sack. “What’s up?”
“Something weird happened to Percy last night and now he’s acting crazy. Can you come help us please?”
“Sure. Where is he now?”
“He had me tie him to the mast.”
Nico nodded and placed the hacky sack on the table. “Alright. I’ll see what I can do.”
Annabeth nodded and they walked back out to the deck.
Percy hadn’t moved from his spot on the mast, but he looked horrible. He kept flexing his muscles against the ropes and his breathing was heavy.
Nico looked him over. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“I don’t… know…” Percy replied.
“How do you feel?”
“FUCKING HORRIBLE! HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?” Percy fumed. He closed his eyes tight and shook his head. “Sorry…”
Nico furrowed his brow and thought for a moment.
A tear fell down Percy’s cheek. “What’s happening to me…?”
Nico looked around the ship and his gaze stopped at Asa, who returned an innocent look. Nico gave him a stern look. “Asa, what did you do?” he demanded.
“What?” Asa questioned.
Annabeth looked to him. “Asa…?”
Nico crossed his arms. “Asa, you did this didn’t you?”
“No.” Asa replied.
“You’re lying to me. Tell the truth now.” Nico ordered.
“I didn’t do anything.”
Nico squinted at him angrily and glanced to his pocket. “What’s that?”
Asa looked to his journal. “Notes on what you teach me.”
Nico nodded and sighed. “Asa, please just tell me what you did to Percy. I’m not mad.”
Asa huffed. “Course you are.”
“I’m not. I’m just disappointed because I can tell that you’re lying to me.”
“I’m not.”
“Asa, too many people have lied to me over the years. I can tell the difference. I won’t get mad if you tell me, but I will be mad if you don’t.”
Asa ignored him and walked toward the stairs.
Nico walked after him and grabbed his shoulder. “You’re not leaving until you tell me what you did.”
Asa rolled his eyes. “Magic.” he said simply before pulling away and going downstairs.
Nico followed him. “I can see that, but what exactly did you do to him?”
Asa shrugged. “I dunno exactly, but it worked.”
Nico sighed and rubbed his temples. “Well, what were you trying to accomplish?”
From upstairs, Percy screamed. “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!”
Jason screamed back. “I JUST DROPPED MY- OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”
Asa sighed. “I wanted to change Percy’s mind about travelling.”
Nico sighed. “Asa… You’re gonna fix this. Right now.”
He shrugged. “Would if I could. Won’t cause I can’t.”
“And why is that?”
“It’ll wear off.”
“It had better wear off soon. Annabeth’s gonna kill you.”
Asa shrugged.
Nico sighed again and shook his head. “This had better not happen again.” he said before heading back upstairs.
Percy thrashed and furiously struggled against the ropes. “GET THESE CONFOUND THINGS OFF OF ME NOW!”
Nico looked to Annabeth. “What happened?”
“He’s getting mad.” she replied.
Nico nodded. “Well, I talked to Asa…”
Annabeth ignored him. “What did he say?”
Nico rubbed the back of his neck. “He uh… He used some magic… to make Percy change his mind about staying on the ship… and the pirate stuff.”
Percy struggled against the ropes with fury in his eyes.
Annabeth tightened the ropes.
“Son of a bitch!” Percy shouted.
“I’m going to kill him…” Annabeth muttered.
“He uh… says it’ll wear off…” Nico said.
“Take it off of him now!”
“I don’t know how! I told Asa to do it, but he said he can’t!”
“Look at him!”
“I’m sorry! There’s nothing I can do!”
Percy coughed violently. “UNTIE. THESE FUCKING ROPES!”
Annabeth sank to the floor on her knees.
Nico sighed. “I’m sorry…”
Percy struggled some more, but paused a moment and looked to Annabeth. “What’s wrong with the lass?”
Annabeth stayed silent and started to cry.
Nico frowned.
Percy watched her for a moment then coughed and closed his eyes, shaking his head. When he opened them, the anger was gone. “…Annabeth, what’s wrong?” he asked.
Annabeth didn’t respond through her broken sobs.
Percy sighed. “It’s… because of me, isn’t it?”
Nico nodded.
“I didn’t hurt her, did I…?”
“Just emotionally.”
Percy frowned and hung his head.
“Should I let you down?”
Percy shook his head. “No… I don’t wanna do anything I’m gonna regret… Could you just get me some water?”
Nico nodded. “Sure.” He went off and came back a few minutes later with a glass of water. He held it up to Percy.
Percy drank about half of it. “Thanks… I’m just gonna stay here overnight.” He looked down to Annabeth. “Are you alright…?”
Annabeth got up and ran off without a word.
“Sorry Percy.” Nico apologized.
Percy frowned and sighed. “It’s okay… Just remind me to kick Asa’s ass when this thing is over…and tell Annabeth I’m sorry…”
“Try to keep your temper… and yeah, I will.”
Percy nodded. “Thank you…”
“No problem.”
“You should go get some sleep… I’m gonna try to do the same.”
Nico nodded then looked up at Asa who had just shadow traveled to the top deck. “Asa, come down here please!”
“No!” Asa shouted. “I’m saying goodnight to mom.”
Percy sighed. “Leave him. Just keep him the fuck away from me…”
Nico nodded. “Night Percy.” he said, walking towards his room.
“Night…” Percy replied, resting his head on his shoulder, trying to relax.
Asa looked down at Percy and huddled into a ball. He started to cry quietly.
Percy looked up at him and frowned.
Asa got on his knees into a praying position and looked to the sky. “Mom, I know you’re probably mad at me… I wasn’t thinking. You can ground me if you want, but I miss all the fun and adventure…”
Percy sighed. “Asa, are you okay?” he shouted up to him.
Asa ignored him. “And please teach our dear captain how to know when to shut the fuck up.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Should be grateful, considering you fucking cursed me…”
“And you should be grateful it wasn’t permanent.”
Percy took a deep breath to keep himself from getting mad. He rested his head on his shoulder again and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.
The next morning when Percy woke up, he shook his head a little bit and blinked the sleep from his eyes.
Annabeth ran over to him from across the deck and cut him out of the ropes, throwing herself into his arms.
“Woah!” Percy exclaimed. Hesitantly, he hugged her back, rubbing her back in a soothing motion. “It’s okay…”
Annabeth kissed him. “Don’t yell at me again…”
Percy shook his head. “I won’t… I won’t let it happen again. I promise…” He kissed her again. “I uh… I still think I should stay tied up for now though… Just until this wears off…”
Annabeth squeezed him tight and looked up to him with a broken frown. “No…”
“Annabeth, it’s for the best-”
“Annabeth, please…”
“No…” Her voice cracked as if she were about to cry.
Percy sighed. “Please don’t cry… How about we compromise?”
She looked up at him. “How…?”
He rubbed her cheek gently and kissed her forehead. “I’ll stay in the brig downstairs. That way I can’t hurt anyone, but I won’t have to be tied up…”
Annabeth frowned.
“…If you need to, you can stay with me… alright?”
Within a few minutes, Leo had both Percy and Annabeth locked downstairs in the brig. It was pretty dark, but there was a lamp, a bed, and a radio on the wall so they could call if they needed anything.
Percy sat down on the bed and rubbed his temples. He took a deep shaky breath.
Annabeth gave him a worried look. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah…” He coughed. “My head just hurts a lot…”
Annabeth nodded.
Percy winced and held his head, coughing loud. He groaned and fell to his knees. “Fuck…”
Annabeth walked over to help him. “Percy…”
“No! Don’t touch me…” he ordered, breathing heavily and gesturing for her to keep away.
She backed up slowly.
He held his head and winced hard. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!” He started muttering various pirate phrases, but he cut himself off with a strained voice. “No… Promised…”
“Percy… snap out of it!” Annabeth hissed.
Percy groaned as tears fell down his cheeks.
Annabeth kneeled in front of Percy and wrapped her arms around him tightly.
Percy was shaking a lot. “Annabeth, no…” He breathed heavily in and out a few times. Slowly, he stopped shaking and his muscles relaxed. He let out a big shaky breath and hesitantly hugged her back gently. “I’m okay…”
He squeezed her slightly. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome.”
After a few moments of silence, Percy pulled back and got to his feet shakily. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He helped Annabeth up as well and hugged her again, resting his head on her shoulder.
Annabeth sighed happily into him.
He kissed her head. “You know… I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me… I don’t know where I’d be right now without you.”
Annabeth blushed slightly and smiled.
Percy smiled and kissed her again. He looked to the small window. “It’s getting late. We should get some sleep…” He looked to the bed. “…You can have the bed. I’ll just sleep on the floor.”
“Annabeth, you’re not sleeping on the floor. I won’t allow it.”
“Stay with me…”
Percy looked to the bed again. “You sure…? It’s a single… It’ll be cramped…”
Annabeth gave him a small smile. “Cozy…”
Percy chuckled slightly. “Alright, come on.” He lay down on the bed, scooting over so there was just enough room for her.
Annabeth climbed in after him and curled up in his arms.
Percy smiled and wrapped his arms around her, sighing happily.
She kissed him lightly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” He reclined his head and slowly fell asleep.
Around midnight, Annabeth woke up.
Percy was still next to her, but his muscles had tightened. He was wincing and twitching in his sleep.
He didn’t wake up, but his words were strained. “No…No!”
She shook him rather roughly. “Percy!”
He snapped awake and sat up quickly, shaking and breathing heavily. “I-I’m okay… Just… just another nightmare…”
“I’m sorry…”
He shook his head. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault…”
She kissed his head.
He smiled and kissed her back. “Sorry for waking you up…”
“It’s okay.”
“I-I think I’ll be okay now… Go back to sleep, alright?”
Percy nodded and they both lay down, relaxing and falling asleep once more.
The next morning, Annabeth’s eyes slowly fluttered open. She looked down at Percy and his facial expression looked like he was having another nightmare. “Percy… wake up.” she said.
He opened his eyes slowly. “Hmm?”
“You okay?”
They both sat up and he yawned. “Yeah. Just another nightmare… Not as bad as last nights though.”
He took a shaky breath. “That one keeps replaying in my head ever since this started…”
Annabeth frowned and put a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me.”
Percy looked down and frowned. “…There’s a storm… Giant waves taller than buildings. I can tell that I made them. The ship’s sails are on fire… Jason, Leo, Frank… Everyone’s dead. I walk to the side of the ship where a wall is broken off…” He paused to take a shaky breath. “Y-you’re hanging off the side of the ship… begging for me to help you and I-I… I summon another wave and it drags you under… You never come back up.” He paused again and wiped some tears from his eyes. “When I snap out of it and realize what I’ve done… it’s too late…” he finished, his voice breaking on the final word.
“Percy, that won’t happen.” Annabeth assured.
Percy took a shaky breath. “I’m scared…” he whispered.
She kissed him lightly. “Don’t be.”
He sniffed and wiped his eyes before giving a small nod.
“…We’re docking today.”
Percy nodded. “Okay… Can you go up to get the supplies? I don’t wanna do something I’ll regret… I mean- I’m just afraid of what might happen…”
“Nothing will happen. Just go up.” Annabeth assured.
“…You’ll stay with me, right?” he asked nervously.
She gave him a smile. “Of course.”
Percy returned a small smile. “Thanks…” He looked over to the radio on the wall. “I’ll uh… I’ll call Leo.”
Annabeth nodded.
Percy walked over to the radio and pressed a button. “Leo?”
“Yo, what’s up?” Leo replied.
“We’re docking, right?”
“Yep.” There was a crashing sound. “Shit!”
“What was that…?”
“My life.”
Leo sighed. “It was the steering wheel, but we’re all good unless Festus is on a delayed reaction.”
“Okay. Can you come open the door for us down here?”
“Sure. I’ll be down in a sec.”
