Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 1

The ship pulled out of the air and landed in a small harbor. Percy grinned and ran out on deck. “Alight mates. It’s time to loot. Leo, dock the ship!”
Leo groaned. “What are we storming this time? Some elderly town?”
Percy scowled at Leo. “Don’t be daft boy! We’re here to take their valuables!”
“Yeah Leo. When have we ever stormed an ‘elderly’ town?” Jason asked.
“Last week! Remember the cabbage farmers?” Leo complained.
“I thought it was a rich town! Don’t mock me or I’ll make ya walk the plank!” Percy threatened.
Leo rolled his eyes. “Whatever…”
Frank ran onto the deck as he finished pulling on his boot. “Are we here already?”
“Yes Frank. Hurry up!” Percy ordered. He led the boys off of the ship and into the town. They had stolen several bags full of loot and were now heading back to the ship. Percy spotted a theater. “Hold on mates! Let’s raid the theater too!”
Jason gave him a confused look. “Why would we raid a theater?”
“Yeah. What are we gonna do? Steal their puppets?” Leo mocked.
“I don’t know! Come on it’ll be fun!” Percy promised as he started climbing a tree to reach the roof.
The others sighed and followed him.
Percy grinned as he looked through the glass roof. There were four girls talking in a group.
Leo looked down and grinned as well. “Sweet. Chicks.”
Percy and the others tied ropes to a metal bar on the roof. “On three we smash in and attack.” Percy said.
Jason and Frank nodded.
“What’s the point of stealing women?” Leo asked.
Percy shrugged. “They could be of use to us. I’ll figure out details later.”
“One… two… three!” Percy said. They crashed through the roof and slid to the floor on their ropes. Percy smirked at the girls. “Yer part of our raid tonight lassies.”
Jason winked at a girl with choppy brown hair and eyes that seemed to change colors.
She raised an eyebrow and charmspoke to Jason. “You are now a chicken.”
A blond-haired girl with gray eyes smirked at her friend’s cleverness.
Leo stared at one girl with beautiful hair and white clothes who glared back at him.
Jason started flapping his arms and pecking the ground with his nose.
Percy looked at him confused. “Jason what in Hades are you doing?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
“BOK!” Jason replied.
Frank stared at Jason chuckling. “Um… Captain Percy, I think Jason’s a little confused.”
Jason shook his head snapping out of his confusion. “Ow! I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened!”
Jason and Frank drew their swords. Leo gulped and pulled a large hammer from his tool belt.
A boy wearing an aviator jacket walked into the room. “Girls, what’s all the rack- what the…?”
The girl in white grabbed a piece of pipe from the floor and whacked it in her hand threateningly.
The blond girl drew her dagger. “What exactly do you plan on doing?”
Percy, Jason, and Frank smirked and pulled out some ropes that were draped over their shoulders.
“I told you pretty lass, you’re comin’ with us.” Percy said as he and the others took a few steps forward.
“Who do you think you are?” she asked as they started backing up slowly.
The boy glared at Percy. “Stay away from them.” he said in a dark and menacing tone.
The girl with gold eyes looked nervously at the boy. “Nico don’t…”
The blond girl glared at Percy.
Percy looked to Nico obviously unimpressed. “Oh we’ve got a lad here too do we?” He smirked. “I think we have some extra rope for you too.”
Nico’s cheeks turned a little pink. “I don’t think you’re taking anyone.”
Percy laughed. “I beg to differ.” he said with another smirk. He held his hand up in the air and a grappling hook shot from his metal glove. It wrapped around a beam on the ceiling and Percy swung at the girls. He grabbed the blond and swung up into the air. “Nice work Leo! This thing works great!” he landed on the beam and held her tight slightly over the edge.
She struggled against his grasp. “Let go of me you pig!”
Jason and Frank both did the same as Percy. Jason swung at the girl with choppy hair and Frank swung at the girl with gold eyes.
Leo looked nervously at the other girl. “Please don’t hurt me…”
Percy laughed at his captive. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you lass! You wouldn’t want me to drop you now?” he said as he faked a drop. “That would be messy.”
 “You are terrible! Let me go!” she screamed as he tied her arms against her torso and behind her back.
As Jason swung with his girl she struggled. She poured all of her power into her words. “You are a fish!”
Jason immediately let go of her and the rope and they crashed to the ground. Jason started gasping and flopping on the floor as the girl shakily got to her feet.
Nico ran to a balcony and cut Frank’s rope.
Frank’s eyes widened as the rope went slack and he started to fall. “SH*T!” he screamed as he and his girl fell from the air.
Nico jumped from the balcony and caught the girl allowing himself to take the fall.
Frank on the other hand crashed into a pile of wooden crates. He got up and cracked his neck as he ran at Nico and punched him in the face.
The girl in white swung her pipe at Leo’s head and he ducked under it. “Nice try Miss!” he said as he threw a rope at her. It quickly entangled her by itself and she fell to the ground.
“What the f*ck?!” she shouted.
“GOOD WORK LEO!” Percy complimented. He looked down from his beam at Jason who was still flopping and gasping for air. “Stupid Aphrodite and her stupid charmspeaking kids…” he grumbled as he pulled a pebble from his pocket. He threw it at Jason who quickly snapped out of it.
Jason got up and tackled the girl quickly stuffing a gag in her mouth. He tied her up and got to his feet. He gave Percy a thumbs up, but tears formed in his eyes and he crumbled to the ground as she kicked him in between the legs.
Percy and Leo winced in sympathy.
Percy’s captive struggled against her bonds. “Leave us alone you dirty rotten pirate!”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that’ll happen. Get up Jason! Walk it off!”
Jason shakily got to his feet and threw his captive over his shoulder.
Leo ran to Jason’s aid as he carried his captive the same way. He used his free hand to support Jason. “We’ll meet you guys back at the ship Captain!”
“Alright! We’ll be done here shortly! Get Jason some ice for that!” Percy shouted.
Leo saluted Percy and they ran off to the ship.
Percy’s captive struggled some more. “Leave us alone!”
“Shut up or you’re getting a gag like your friend!” Percy yelled.
“I’ll bite you.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “That’s why I have these lass.” he said showing off a metal glove.
“You’re disgusting.”
Jason finished angrily tying his girl to a mast and he sat down a few feet away watching Leo tie the other girl. Jason held the ice pack in place and smirked at her. “Yer a feisty one aren’t you?”
The girl glared daggers at him.
“Y’know you wouldn’t need that gag if you were more well behaved.”
She wiggled her hand under the rope and flipped him off.
Jason got up and tightened the ropes. He noticed a glint at her belt and took her dagger.
Just then, Percy and Frank ran onto the ship with Nico, the girl with gold eyes, and the blond tied up.
Percy looked back at the town to see an angry mob approaching. “HA! Leo raise the sails!”
As the ship rose into the air the blond girl spotted her father in the crowd. “DAD!” she cried as she tried desperately to escape Percy’s grasp.
Percy held her tight and waved to the townspeople with an evil smirk. He shoved her against the mast and tied her to it with the others as Frank did the same with Nico and the girl. They took their weapons as they did so.
Leo put the ship on auto-pilot. “So what’s the point of taking the women?”
Nico scowled. “And man!” he shouted angrily.
Percy scratched his chin. “Hmm… I think they could be of use to us once they learn to play nice.” He walked to the edge of the ship and looked down at the town. He summoned a massive wave and brought it down on the town. “THAT’LL TEACH YOU MORTALS! THE SON OF POSEIDON RULES THE SEA!”
“NO!” The blond girl screamed. She put her head down and started crying. For the first time ever she had admitted defeat to herself.
The gold-eyed girl looked away with tears in her eyes.
Nico looked up at Percy. “Son of Poseidon?”
Percy rolled his eyes at the blond. “Relax lass. I didn’t kill anyone. I don’t kill unless someone tries to kill me. That wave’ll just show them not to mess with me.” He turned his attention to Nico. “And yes I’m a son of Poseidon.” He drew his sword and lightly pressed the tip to Nico’s neck. “You have a problem with that lad?” he said menacingly.
“Trapped on an island for a thousand years and then I get kidnapped by pirates. This is just how I wanted to spend my life…” The girl in white mumbled.
Nico looked at Percy with an unimpressed expression. “I guess I’m cousins with a world class jerk.”
 “HA! Let me guess, Hades?” he said sheathing his sword. He pulled a paper from his pocket and showed it to Nico. “Tell me lad, does this picture of me look good?” he said smiling at his Wanted poster.
Nico smirked. “Makes you look uglier than you already are.”
Percy glared at Nico and pressed his head against the mast. He got in his face. “This is my ship lad. And I expect to be treated with respect.”
“Your breath smells like crap. Please back off.”
Percy scowled and banged his head against the mast. He backed off and did a double-take at the girl with choppy hair. “Aw Jason! That’s not the captive gag, that’s what we use to swab the deck! Go get a clean one!”
Jason looked to her horrified. “Whoops!” he said running off to get a clean one.
She turned green and started trying to push the gag out of her mouth.
Leo laughed.
“Ew…” said the girl in white.
“Gross.” The gold-eyed girl agreed.
Percy walked off mumbling, “Sheesh I’m a pirate, but that’s just plain disgusting!”
Jason came back with a clean rag and two cups. He took the gag out of her mouth and held one cup to her. “Uh… you wanna rinse?”
She nodded and looked woozy as she took a sip of water and started swishing it in her mouth.
“Ugh.” The blond said. “What are you gonna do with us?”
Jason looked at her and tapped his ear. “Can’t hear ya lass. Wax in my ears so your friend can’t control me again.” He held the empty cup to her. “Spit into this.”
She spit it in Jason’s face and the blond rolled her eyes.
Jason made an annoyed face. “Should’ve seen that coming.” he said. He wiped his face and stuffed the new rag in the girl’s mouth. He took the wax out of his ears. “Now what did you say lass?”
“I asked what you’re going to do with us and can I…” she rolled her eyes. “please have some water? You can feel free to evacuate when I do, but I’m thirsty.”
Jason shrugged. “Don’t see why not.” He pulled a bottle of water from his pocket and unscrewed the cap. He held it up to her. “As for what we’re doing with you I’m not entirely sure. You’d have to ask Captain Percy about that.” he said. He backed up as she finished drinking.
The blond girl swallowed her water. “Captain? He looks twelve.”
“More like ten.” Nico said.
“He’s pretty for a pirate.” The gold-eyed girl said.
“He works hard to keep his look, but he’s not twelve. We’re all around seventeen.” Jason said. He looked down at the gold-eyed girl’s feet and picked up a gem. “Is this… a diamond?”
“PUT THAT DOWN!” Leo screamed.
Jason dropped the gem and backed away quickly. “WHY?! IS IT GONNA EXPLODE?!”
Leo jogged over. “You’d die either way.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Jason asked.
“I’m not sure exactly, but my granddad knew someone like her once…” he said pointing at the girl. “Her name was Hazel.”
Nico looked to the girl who now looked a little nervous.
Jason looked down as a few more gems popped up around her feet. “So… do we kick them in the ocean or something?”
“PERCY!” Leo shouted.
Percy came running onto the deck as he took a bite from a chicken leg. “WHAT?”
“What do we do with these?” Leo said pointing to the gems.
“Get a shovel and stick them with the ammo. We’ll hook em up to the cannons… Both of you! Go!” Percy ordered.
Jason and Leo grabbed two shovels from a pile of tools and started shoveling the gems into a wheelbarrow.
The blond girl looked at Percy confused. “A cannon?”
 “Yeah a cannon. It’s a pirate ship, what else are we gonna use to attack our enemies?” Percy replied.
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever…” She watched Percy as he nodded and walked away.
Frank came up to the mast pushing a cart with two trays on it.
Nico glared at him as he walked up to the gold-eyed girl with one.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Dinner.” Frank replied. “Thought you girls…” he looked to Nico. “and guy might be hungry.” He pulled the lid off of the tray to reveal a good-looking chicken that was still steaming. He took a forkful and held it out to the girl. “You want some? I would let you eat yourself, but I’ll get in trouble if I untie you…”
She looked to Nico and he shook his head. “It’s probably poisoned.” he warned.
Frank rolled his eyes. “It’s not poison. Come on I promise we’re not gonna hurt you. It’s good.” He ate the piece on the fork and swallowed it. He took another forkful and held it to the girl. “It’s either this or you go hungry tonight.”
She looked to Nico again and warily took a bite. She winced as she chewed and swallowed it. A look of surprise went across her face. “This is good…”
Frank smiled. “Thanks. I made it myself.”
She nodded trying not to smile.
“Hey Big Guy! What ship is this?” The blond girl called.
Frank gave her a confused look. “What do you mean what ship?” he said offering the gold-eyed girl more chicken.
“The name you imbecile…” said the blond.
“The Argo II, and you’d better be nice to me or I’ll let you go hungry!”
She clenched her jaw.
Frank finished feeding the gold-eyed girl and gave some to Nico, the blond, and the girl in white. He stuffed wax in his ears and ungagged the choppy-haired girl offering her some chicken.
She kicked him in the shin. “Take that animal away! Don’t you have a carrot or something?!” she yelled angrily.
“Ow! What was that for?” he complained obviously unable to hear her through the wax. He angrily stuffed the gag back in her mouth and took the wax out of his ears. He looked to the blond. “How come she kicked me?!”
“Piper’s a vegetarian.”
Frank looked at her. “Well you don’t have to be rude.” He put the tray down on the cart and picked up the other one. He took off the lid and picked up a burger. He waved it in her face. “I made a veggie burger just in case.”
Piper rolled her eyes.
Frank stuck the wax back in his ears and ungagged her. “Eat your stupid burger!”
She bit into it and made a surprised face.
Frank rolled his eyes. “What now?”
“… This is really good…”
“I read your lips. Why is everyone surprised that I can cook?! It’s not like pirates live off of stolen food you know! There are some things we can get for ourselves. Sheesh!”
Piper finished her burger.
The blond girl’s mouth dropped.
The gold-eyed girl laughed and Nico scowled.
Frank rolled his eyes and gagged Piper again. He took out his wax and packed up the cart mumbling, “F***ing stereotypes…”
Percy walked up to them and Frank left. “It’s getting late lassies. Does anyone have to go to the bathroom before bed? Because I am not cleaning anyone’s pants!”
“I went at the theater before you brutally attacked us.” The girl in white mumbled.
Piper shook her head.
“Nope.” The gold-eyed girl said.
“I’m good.” Nico said.
The blond girl sighed. “Um…”
Percy looked at her. “You have to go lass? It’s now or never… and the ship’ll be sailin’ on the water over night so I don’t think that’ll help ya…” he said as the ship landed in the ocean with a splash.
She bit her lip and nodded.
Percy nodded and untied her from the mast, but he left her hands tied together. He walked her to the bathroom and untied her hands when she was inside. He waited outside the door. “… Y’know you don’t all have to be tied up… If you and your friends cooperate we could work together… You could join my crew.”
“What’s in it for us?” The girl asked.
“Well, not being tied up and gagged for one thing…”
“And that’s all peachy and stuff…”
“It’s fun being a pirate. You get t’ see new places, nobody holdin’ ya back… and we don’t have to hide our powers…”
She opened the door. “Really?”
“Yeah… Think about it alright?” he said as he tied her hands again. The ropes were still secure, but not tight this time. He walked her back to the deck and tied her to the mast again. “Does anyone need anything else?”
“How about some shelter? Huh?!” Nico complained.
Percy gave him a confused look. “What do you mean? There’s not a cloud in the-“ It started to rain. Percy’s expression turned to one of annoyance. “JASON! FRANK! LEO!”
Jason and Frank ran over. “What?” Jason asked.
“Help me untie them! Take them to your rooms for the night! Just leave their hands tied, I just don’t want anyone catching a cold.” he said as he started untying the blond girl again. He looked to Nico and untied him as well. “You’re coming with me too. I don’t trust you…”
Jason started untying Piper and Frank untied the gold-eyed girl.
“LEO, I SAID GET OVER HERE! YER TAKIN’ THIS ONE!” Percy screamed pointing at the girl in white.
She rolled her eyes. “Gee, I feel important…”
Leo ran over. “What?” he looked at the girl. “Oh.” He untied her.
The others walked the girls and Nico to their rooms.
“Hi…” Leo said.

The girl scowled at him. “Just get me out of this rain you buffoon…”

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