Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 9

Percy walked toward his room with Annabeth trailing close behind. “Let’s see…” he muttered. “How many other towns do I need to fix things with…?”
Annabeth shrugged.
He reached his room and turned to Annabeth. “I’m gonna go set a new course. Let me know if you need something.” he said opening the door and stepping inside.
Annabeth stopped the door with her foot. “Bread?”
“We ran out of yeast downstairs.”
“We did?”
She nodded.
“Guess we need supplies… I’ll take us somewhere where we can stock up.”
“I would say here, but we aren’t that big on selling.”
Percy nodded. “Yeah… Plus I don’t really feel right taking anything after I just returned everything.”
“Daddy’s had enough of you.” Annabeth said with a smirk.
“I think Daddy might’ve broken a rib or two when he tackled me.” They both laughed. “I’ll go set course now.”
“Okay.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
He smiled and kissed her back. “You’re welcome.”
Later that night, Nico and Asa were both getting ready for bed. Nico climbed into his bunk. “Night Asa.”
“Night.” Asa mumbled.
Nico turned over and fell asleep.
Asa pulled a notebook out from under his pillow and began practicing a few small tricks and spells. He nodded then shadow travelled into Percy’s room.
Annabeth slept soundly in her bunk and Percy had fallen asleep at his desk.
Asa walked up to Percy and held out his hand concentrating as hard as he could.
Percy groaned in his sleep.
Asa swore under his breath and stopped, sweating.
Percy’s eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked up squinting in the low light. “…Asa? What are you doing in here? It’s late.”
Asa froze and quickly turned invisible.
“Asa, I know you’re there. Why are you in here?” Percy asked.
“No reason…” Asa said staying invisible.
Percy remained silent for a moment then placed a hand on Asa’s shoulder grabbing it tightly. “You’re gonna be in big trouble if you don’t tell me why you’re in here.”
Asa sighed and reappeared. “Just wanted to see if you decided yet.”
“Everyone’s asleep Asa… I’m still thinking about it. Next time wait until we’re awake, alright?”
“Whatever.” he said shadow travelling back to his and Nico’s room.
Percy sighed and climbed into bed, falling asleep again as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Asa stayed up late into the night practicing different tricks and spells until around two in the morning when he fell asleep huddled in the corner.
In the morning, Nico woke up and looked to Asa who was snoring as the usual violent pictures played out above his head. Nico climbed down from the bed and shook his arm lightly. “Asa! Asa wake up.”
His eyes slowly opened. “Hmm?” he said groggily.
“How come you’re on the floor?”
Asa shrugged.
“You sleep okay?”
“Think you’re ready for some more training?”
Nico nodded. “I think we should work on your shadow travel some more. I wanna see you go more than a foot.”
“I can.”
“You can? That’s great! Can you show me?”
Asa nodded and shadow travelled out of the room.
Nico smiled wide with excitement. “That’s great!” he said excitedly. “…Wait, where’d you go?” he said running out of the room and onto the deck. He looked across the deck where Asa waved to him. Nico smiled and waved back. “That’s awesome!” he said running over to him.
Asa grinned and shadow travelled again. This time however, he wound up a foot over the side of the boat and fell toward the water, screaming.
Nico quickly shadow travelled himself over the side, grabbed Asa, and brought them both back onto the deck. He chuckled slightly. “Keep working on it, alright?”
Asa had wide eyes and he shook as he took a shaky breath. “Yeah… okay…”
Nico patted his shoulder lightly. “You okay?”
Asa gulped. “Y-yeah. Just peachy…”
Nico got to his feet and helped Asa to his. “Here. I’ll show you what to do if that happens again, okay?”
Nico nodded and led him up some stairs to a part of the boat that was high up, but not too high. “Alright, so if you do go the wrong way or just if you fall you have to stay calm, okay?”
“And since you’ve just fallen, that might be a little hard. You have to clear your mind like you would if you were trying to go to sleep.”
“Because if you don’t, you’ll fall and get hurt.”
Asa nodded.
“Other than that, it’s just like normal shadow travel. Try it.”
Asa looked over the side and gulped.
Nico looked over as well. “Want me to set up some pillows so you don’t get hurt?”
Nico nodded and went off, coming back a few minutes later with some pillows which he set up below Asa. He gave him a thumbs up. “Alright, go for it!”
Asa took a deep breath and jumped. Before hitting the ground, he panicked and floated himself above the ground. He looked down, completely pale and slowly lowered himself to the ground.
Nico walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re alright…”
“I think I need more explanation…”
Nico nodded. “Alright. So when you fall, you have to calm down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Instead of focusing on the fact that you’re falling, focus on where you want to be. You might land a little hard while you’re still learning so that’s why we have the pillows. When you get the hang of it I’ll help you with the landings.” He led him back to the upper deck and jumped off, demonstrating the proper technique. “Your turn!”
Asa closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He jumped, but only managed to travel to the side about an inch, landing on his back hard. “FUCK!”
Nico winced and ran to him. “You alright?” he said helping him to his feet.
Asa winced.
Nico handed him a piece of ambrosia. “Here.”
He coughed and ate the ambrosia. “That hurt so bad…”
“Sorry.” Nico said taking out a small bottle of nectar. “Where does it hurt?”
“The center of my back.”
Nico nodded. “Okay, hold still.” He lifted Asa’s shirt and rubbed nectar on the spot.
Asa winced. “That hurts!” he hissed.
Nico stopped and squinted. “I see the problem.” he reached to the spot and pulled out a small nail then rubbed more nectar on the spot. “There was a nail sticking out. You okay now?”
“No… It still hurts.”
“How about we stop for today? You did a good job. We’ll work on it some more another day.”
Asa nodded.
Nico nodded as well and they went back to their room.
Later that afternoon, Percy sat in his room fiddling with the ship’s controls.
Asa stood at the door. “Have you decided yet?”
Percy looked up and stood. “Um… Yeah. I don’t really think it’s a good idea Asa… I want to stop doing all of this pirate stuff. It hurts people. Plus, I promised Annabeth I would try to change. I think if I do stop, but try to stay on the ship, I’ll eventually throw a temper tantrum and go on a rampage… You understand, right?”
Anger flared in Asa’s voice. “Sure. Whatever.”
Percy returned a small smile, obviously not noticing his anger. “Thanks.”
Asa glared then disappeared into shadow.
That night, Percy had fallen asleep at his desk again.
Annabeth was also sound asleep.
Asa suddenly appeared in the middle of the room from the shadows, still angry. He walked up to Percy and put two fingers on his forehead. He pulled out his notebook with another hand and read a spell from it.
Percy frowned in his sleep and groaned.
Asa focused all of his energy and repeated the spell.
A small red light flashed at the spot Asa was touching on Percy’s forehead, illuminating the whole room for a split second. Percy gasped and sat bolt upright, his eyes shooting open.
Asa quickly backed up and turned invisible.
Percy breathed heavily and wiped some sweat from his forehead. “What the HELL?” he muttered.
Annabeth’s eyes slowly fluttered open. “Percy?”
Percy swallowed. “Y-yeah…?”
“You okay? I heard something…”
“…Yeah… Just a nightmare, I guess… I’m fine.”
Annabeth got out of bed and walked toward Percy, yelping as she tripped over Asa.
Percy turned to her. “What happened?!”
“I tripped over something…” She looked up. “Percy… Why is your forehead glowing?”
“What?” He looked up and his eyes widened. “Uh…” He touched the light. It flashed, then disappeared.
Asa watched them carefully and silently scooted into the corner of the room.
Annabeth took Percy’s hand.
Percy’s heart pounded in his chest. “I-I…”
Annabeth kissed him. “Percy, calm down. You’re shaking. What is it?”
“…I’m scared…”
“It’s okay.” She pulled at his arm. “We’ll figure it out in the morning. In the meantime, let’s get you to bed.”
Percy nodded. “Okay…”
She walked him to the bottom bunk and sat down with him.
He wiped his forehead, still taking shaky breaths.
Annabeth wrapped her arms around him.
He hugged her back, beginning to calm down.
She pushed him down softly to the bed and lay down next to him, kissing his head lightly.
He smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing completely.
She curled up next to him and they both fell asleep.
The next day, Percy walked along the deck holding his head and wincing.
Annabeth followed him close behind. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Not really… My head feels like someone’s stabbing it with a knife…”
“Go back to bed Percy.”
He shook his head. “No. I’m not tired…” Suddenly, he squatted down and yelled loud, holding his head with both hands as a tear trickled down his cheek.
“Percy!” Annabeth shouted, crouching down to help him.
He made a swatting motion with his hand. “Get away from me!”
“What are you talking about…?” she said quietly.
“Everything hurts…” he hissed.
“We need to get you to the infirmary…”
Annabeth looked over to Frank who was walking across the deck. “Frank…?”
Frank ran over to them. “Yeah?”
“Can you take Percy to the infirmary please?”
“Sure…” He reached for Percy’s arm, but Percy smacked it away.
“Take him anyways.” Annabeth insisted. “Even if he acts like a child.”
Frank nodded and turned into a gorilla, grabbing Percy around the waist.
Percy squirmed in his hands. “PUT ME DOWN OR I’LL MAKE YOU WALK THE PLANK!”
“Percy!” Annabeth scolded. “Frank, ignore him. I’ll talk with him later.”
Frank nodded and ran Percy toward the infirmary kicking and screaming.
“What the hell is wrong with him…?” Annabeth muttered.
Upon reaching the infirmary, Percy was completely enraged. “PUT. ME. DOWN!” he ordered.
Frank set him down and turned back into human form, guarding the door.
Percy tried to go out the door, but Frank blocked his path.
Annabeth squeezed past Frank into the room. “Percy, you’re acting like a child!”
Annabeth frowned at him, looking a little hurt.
Percy held his head and winced, falling to his knees. “What’s… happening…?”
“I don’t know…”
Percy shook violently and sobbed. “Images… Running through my head…” He shut his eyes tight.
“Tell me.” Annabeth said.
Percy winced. “Destruction… pain… and death…” He groaned.
Annabeth felt his forehead. “Frank, ambrosia please?”
Frank nodded with a frown and handed her a piece.
“Get away from me…” Percy muttered.
Annabeth ignored him and pushed him down, sitting on his chest. She pushed the ambrosia into his mouth and held a hand over his nose and mouth.
He reluctantly swallowed and she moved her hand as he struggled underneath her.
“I’m not getting off till you calm down.” Annabeth said.
“GET THE FUCK OFF!” Percy fumed.
“No.” she said with anger in her words.
“GET OFF!” Percy screamed. He had fury in his eyes.
Annabeth smacked him across the face hard. “You do not talk to me like that or I’ll tie you up and hang you over the side of the ship.”
“OW!” Percy shouted when her hand met his cheek. He shook his head and took a deep shaky breath. “Wha-… Why are we in the infirmary?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know what happened.” she snapped.
He looked up at her in confusion. “Don’t know what happened?”
She got off of him. “You son of a bitch…” she said before storming out.
Percy got to his feet quickly and brushed past Frank after her. “Annabeth, wait!”
She ran into his room and slammed the door behind her.
Percy turned the knob and sighed when he realized it was locked. He knocked. “Annabeth, come out… Please?”
“Annabeth, listen to me! I don’t remember what happened that made you mad! I only vaguely remember moving to a different room and telling you about the images in my head, but then I blacked out… Please open the door…”
“I will not!”
He sighed and reached above the door, grabbing his spare key. He unlocked the door and came into the room. “Annabeth-” He was cut off when he ducked from a book being thrown at him. “Annabeth listen!” he pleaded.
He put his hands up in a defensive position. “I told you, I don’t know! Please put the chair down!”
She stopped herself and looked to the chair, finally realizing that she had picked it up. She slowly put it back down.
Percy exhaled in relief. “I swear… I don’t know what happened…”
“Why not?” Annabeth demanded.
He frowned. “I don’t know… I still feel a little weird…”
“…Don’t talk to me like that again…”
“I wasn’t trying to… I’m sorry…” Percy said. He coughed loud into his hand and frowned.
“I’ll be on deck.” she replied. She pushed past him and walked out the door.
Percy followed her. “Annabeth-” He coughed some more. “I-” He stopped, his eyes widening. He fell to his knees with a loud groan.
Annabeth turned. “Percy…?”
He coughed again. “Annabeth…” He coughed again and took a deep breath. “Tie me to the mast.”
“Just do it. Please…” His voice sounded strained, as if he were struggling to form words. “Do it and don’t untie me, no matter what.”
She nodded without further argument. She helped him to his feet and took his weapons, then tied him to the mast with some rope. “…Why am I doing this…?”
Percy winced as he shook. His breathing was heavy as if he had just ran a marathon. “I don’t… I feel like I might… hurt someone…” He clenched his fists. “My head is throbbing…”
“Percy, what’s happening…?” she asked, sounding more scared than ever.
He shook his head. “I don’t know… I think it had something… to do with that light on my head last night…”
“Maybe someone will know something about it…”
“Like who…?” he asked with another cough.
“Maybe Nico…”
Percy nodded and winced, tightening his muscles, then relaxing them.
Annabeth nodded and ran off to find Nico.

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