Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 2

Jason brought Piper into his room and looked around. There weren’t any sleeping spaces except for his bed. “Uh…”
Piper rolled her eyes.
“Um… I guess you can sleep in my bed.” He walked her to the bed and tied her hands to one of the posts.
She glared at him.
Jason rubbed the back of his neck and frowned at Piper. “…I’m sorry…” He looked at the floor. He walked to his desk and picked up a radio. “Percy?” he said into the radio.
“What? Did you screw up already?” Percy replied.
“No… Is it okay to untie her? I feel bad leaving her like this…”
“Hold on.”
A megaphone on the wall screeched. “Everyone you can untie our guests.” it spoke in Percy’s voice.
Jason looked at Piper. “If I ungag you are you gonna try to escape?”
Piper shrugged.
“...” Jason picked up the radio again. “…Percy?”
“What if she charmspeaks me?”
“I have to do everything don’t I? Doors lock!”
Jason heard his door and everyone else’s doors click locked.
“There. Now you can’t get out. Happy now?” Percy said.
“Yes. Thank you sir.” Jason replied.
Jason walked over to Piper. “Now you can’t escape.” he said as he ungagged and untied her.
Piper sighed and sat on the bed frowning and hugging a pillow.
“…You wanna tell me your name?” Jason asked.
Piper didn’t reply. She wouldn’t look at Jason.
“… My name’s Jason.” he said extending a hand for a handshake with a small smile.
She looked at his hand, but didn’t shake it. She looked at the floor sadly.
Jason’s smile melted and he sighed. He plopped into a wooden chair and looked at the floor. “…I’m sorry okay?”
Piper didn’t reply.
“…I’m sorry we kidnapped you… I was just following orders…” Piper was silent and Jason sighed again. “I shouldn’t blame you for not talking to me… you have every right to be mad…”
Piper glanced at Jason and looked back at the floor.
“…We’re not going to hurt you guys… Percy’s not like that. I’m not sure any of us really know where we’re going with this pirate thing… We thought it would be fun as kids, but… it’s a lot harder than I thought…”
Piper looked up at Jason with a curious face.
He chuckled. “Yeah… when you’re a pirate… you don’t make many friends… just more enemies. All we do is raid towns and other people’s ships… it’s dangerous too… our enemies try to kill us all the time…”
Piper looked back to the floor.
Jason looked up at her then back at the floor as well. He sighed.
“…Piper.” she said.
Jason looked up at her. “Huh?”
“My name’s Piper…”
Jason smiled. “It’s nice to meet you Piper.” He held out his hand again.
This time Piper shook it. She put the pillow at the head of the bed and lied down. “Night.”
Jason smiled. “Goodnight.” He shut off the light.
“My brother’s gonna kill you.” Frank’s captive said as he finished untying her hands.
“Why?” he asked throwing the ropes on his desk.
“You kidnapped us.”
“Yeah… but since you’ve been here we’ve been nothing, but nice to you.”
She shrugged. “Nico will still kill you…”
Frank shrugged. “Well, I wish him luck with that considering he’ll have to get through Percy first.”
“He might get through…”
Frank rolled his eyes. “So what’s your name little lady?”
Frank suddenly became alert. “Hazel like the one Leo’s grandfather knew?” he said skeptically.
Hazel blushed. “Um…”
“You’re hiding something…”
“She was probably a relative of mine…”
Frank held his skeptical look. “Mhm… Well, goodnight.” He transformed into a bulldog and lied down by the door.
“Cool… night.”
Leo plopped down in his chair after he had stopped one of his machines from tearing up his room.
His captive glared daggers at him. “Are you gonna untie me or not?! And where am I supposed to sleep?! That thing that I think is supposed to be a bed is covered in tools!”
“Um…” Leo untied her and started cleaning up. “Sorry…”
“You should be. This place is filthy.” She brushed the tools off of the bed and flopped onto it. She buried her face in the pillow and groaned.
“Can you at least tell me your name?” Leo asked.
“If I tell you will you stop talking?”
Leo didn’t reply.
“My name’s Calypso, now leave me alone!”
Leo sighed sadly and sat at his workbench. “Goodnight.” he said as he started tinkering with some spare parts.
Percy finally finished untying Nico. “Sheesh those ropes were tight! Frank and his gorilla strength… I think he cut off your circulation. Your hands are white…” Percy said.
“They are always white.” Nico replied.
“Oh… Sorry. Well you two can sleep in my bed.” Percy said gesturing to a bunk bed. He walked over and sat in his big comfy chair. “And lad, don’t try any of that shadow travel. This ships magic prevents it. And the doors are voice activated.”
Nico scowled at Percy and lied down on the top bunk.
The girl looked at Percy. “Um…”
Percy looked up at her. “What?” he said as he started fiddling with the ship’s controls.
She waited for Nico to fall asleep. “Isn’t it dangerous?”
“Isn’t what dangerous?” he said pushing a button. The ship slowly turned to the right.
“Everything about it. Joining you I mean… I’m not stupid.”
Percy sighed. “We’re heavily armed. Anyone who attacks us doesn’t stand a chance.” He picked up a picture from his desk. It was of a little boy and a woman. They were both smiling.
“Who’s that?” the girl asked.
Percy sighed. “It’s me and my mom… I’m taking the ship to her house. I visit her once a month… She doesn’t approve of my lifestyle, but she’s cool about it. We don’t argue and she’s just glad I visit her… She’s the one who told me not to hurt people… She said I could do whatever I want as long as innocent people didn’t get hurt…”
“You flooded my home! How is that not hurting? You took us from all the family we had left, you call that not hurting anyone?!”
Percy glared at her. “I promise you no one got hurt in that flood. I’m a pirate not a monster… I’m just a little confused right now…” He turned away and sniffed trying not to cry.
The girl bit her finger. “You okay?”
He took a shaky breath. “Yeah… I’m just… really tired… Go to sleep.”
She sat on the bottom bunk. “I will not.”
Percy sighed. “Why? If you’re hungry or something there’s food in the mini-fridge…” he said rubbing his temples.
“No, I want to figure out if I can trust you and I can’t do that by sleeping.”
Percy groaned. “Well can you at least tell me your name? It’s kind of hard to talk with someone if you don’t know their name.”
“Well what do you want to know Annabeth? How can I get you to trust that I’m a nice guy and I’m not going to hurt you or your friends?”
“Tell me something.”
“Like what?”
“Anything.” she said pulling a small dagger and wooden block from her boot. She started carving it in a bored manner.
Percy raised an eyebrow. “How did I miss that?”
“Because that’s exactly why I put it in my shoe. To be missed- overlooked.”
“Whatever. You can keep it for now, but I’m taking it before I go to sleep.”
Annabeth scowled and he smirked.
“Well, do you wanna know why I became a pirate?”
“Sure.” she said still cutting at the wood.
“Well… Ever since I was a young lad I’ve thought pirates were cool. I started researching them and found out what they did and I decided I wanted to become one when I was older. When I was twelve I dropped out of school and started trying to figure out how to become a pirate. I met Frank, Jason, and Leo and we became fast friends. When we were thirteen we started practicing for pirate-hood by looting small convenience stores. On his fourteenth birthday Leo came up with the crazy idea to build our own pirate ship. We found an abandoned lot and built the Argo II in secret. Then when it was finished and we were fifteen we set sail and we’ve been pirates ever since.”
“Wait. That kid built this?”
“Jason, Frank, and I helped, but yeah. He built most of it. He’s a son of Hephaestus.”
“Explains it… My mom’s Athena and your dad’s Poseidon…”
“Yeah.” Percy chuckled. “I guess that’s why you don’t like me huh?”
Annabeth shrugged. “Exactly. Plus you smell like crap. You need a bath.”
Percy sniffed his pit and made a nauseated noise. “Wow… truth be told, I don’t remember the last time I showered…”
“Gross! Go take one now!” she said getting up and pushing him to the door.
Percy laughed. “No need to shove! Plus I have a private bathroom because I’m the captain.” He walked in the opposite direction and walked through a different door.
Annabeth put her hands on her hips. “Well aren’t you special!”
Percy poked his head out the door. “Yeah I am.” he glanced at her hand and walked over to her. “Almost forgot.” he said taking the dagger. He walked back to his bathroom. “You can have it back when I’m done!” he said shutting the door. Click. He locked it and the shower started.
Annabeth kicked the door.
Percy started singing. “Yo ho! Yo ho! It’s a pirate’s life for meeee!”
“I will come in there and shut you up!” Annabeth yelled.
He ignored her and continued singing.
Annabeth sighed.
About thirty minutes later he came out with a towel tied around his waist and he was drying his hair with a hand towel.
Annabeth immediately looked to the floor.
Percy glanced at her. “Eyes up lass.”
“And why not?”
Annabeth glanced up at him, but then looked back at the floor, her face red.
Percy smirked. “You’re blushing!”
“Am not.” she murmured.
Percy laughed and went back in the bathroom. He came out wearing pants, but no shirt. He sat in his chair. “So are you going to bed now or do I still have to stay up?” he said tossing her the dagger.
She caught it and threw it at the wall inches from his head. She flopped on the bed and fell asleep.
Percy rolled his eyes and took the dagger out of the wall. He stuck it in a voice activated safe and shut off the lights. “Night.”
The next morning the alarm clock started blaring, but Percy was fast asleep.
Annabeth groaned and threw a pillow at him.
Percy snorted and sat bolt upright. “I DIDN’T EAT THE CHEESE PUFFS!” He looked around the room and slammed his fist on the alarm. “Ugh…” He got up and pulled on his shirt, coat, and boots.
Annabeth climbed the ladder and shook Nico lightly.
He opened one eye. “Hmm?” he mumbled groggily.
“Get up you two.” Percy said throwing the pillow at Nico’s head. “We’ve gotta go.”
Nico groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes.
Percy picked up the speaker from his desk and spoke into it. “Everyone wake up! Take our guests back to the deck! We’re visiting me mum!” He set the speaker back on his desk.
“I’m gonna tell your mum on you.” Annabeth said.
“What are you gonna tell her?” he said grabbing the ropes off of his desk.
“That you kidnapped us.” She glanced at the ropes in his hand and back away. “What are you doing?”
“Tying you up again. I’m sorry, but just like you don’t trust me I don’t think I can trust you. It’s just a precaution t’ make sure you don’t try something.” he said stepping toward her with the rope.
She slapped his hands. “I don’t want to be tied up!”
Nico climbed down from the bunk with a sleepy look and messy hair. “Hm?”
Percy sighed. “Please don’t make me use force…”
Annabeth ran into the bathroom. “NO!” she screamed childishly slamming the door behind her.
Nico got between the door and Percy. “You’re not forcing anyone.”
“The bathroom only locks for me you know!” Percy shouted. He looked to Nico. “You don’t scare me kid. Your powers don’t work here.”
Nico picked up a large book from the desk and smacked Percy in the head with it.
Percy retaliated by punching Nico in the gut and kicking him to the floor. He tied his hands behind his back then body slammed the bathroom door which Annabeth was holding shut. The door budged slightly, but remained closed. Percy got a running start and body slammed it again. The door flew open and he grabbed Annabeth angrily tying her wrists together behind her back. He dragged her out of the bathroom and yanked Nico to his feet. He walked them to the deck and angrily tied them to the mast. “THIS IS MY SHIP AND I WILL BE TREATED WITH RESPECT!” he screamed.
“You’re just a stupid kid. I won’t treat you with any more respect than you give us. If you tie us up and insist on being a jerk, well guess what buddy. You’re not getting any better.” Nico said.
Percy ignored him and stomped off mumbling curses.
Jason woke up to Percy’s wake-up call. He gently shook Piper. “Hey. It’s time to get up… I gotta bring you to the deck…” he said softly.
“No.” she mumbled.
“Please? If I don’t I’ll get in trouble…”
Jason grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up, but Piper hung limply like a rag doll. “You are not making this easy you know.” He flipped her on her stomach and tied her hands.
Piper flopped about. “NoooooOOooOOooOO.”
“Stop squirming!”
Jason sighed. “I have to gag you…”
Piper sat upright. “No!”
“I’m sorry, but orders are orders…”
Piper pouted.
“I already feel really bad about this. Please stop making me feel worse…”
Piper pouted some more.
Jason put the gag in her mouth. “I’m sorry…” He heard someone outside the door.
“Yes sir!” Jason replied.
“DOORS UNLOCK!” The doors all clicked unlocked. Percy opened Jason’s door with a ticked off expression. “Bring her on deck!” He walked away.
“Wonder who ticked him off…” Jason mumbled. He walked Piper to the deck and tied her to the mast with Nico and Annabeth.
She gave him puppy dog eyes, but Jason frowned and walked away.
In Leo’s room Leo was carrying a bunch of metal to his worktable. He dropped it on the floor with a crash. “Crap!”
Calypso groaned and looked up at him. “What on earth are you doing?”
“…Building a microwave?”
Calypso grunted and buried her head back in the pillow. “Well keep it down. I’m sleeping.”
The megaphone on the wall screeched. “Leo and Frank hurry up and get those girls on deck!” it said in Percy’s voice.
Leo shook Calypso. “Come on, we gotta go.”
Calypso groaned and whacked him with the pillow. “I’m tired! Let me sleep!”
Leo tied her hands. “Sorry, but no!”
“Why are you tying me up again?! What’s wrong with you?!”
“Orders are orders. Let’s go.” Leo said grabbing her arms and walking her toward the door.
Calypso completely stopped using her legs and dropped to the floor. “No!”
Leo picked her up and walked to the deck with Calypso kicking and whining in his arms.
Percy’s second alarm had woken Frank up. He transformed back into a human and shook Hazel lightly. “Hazel wake up. We gotta go.”
Hazel yawned. “How come?”
“Percy says.” He started tying her wrists. “Sorry.”
“I don’t know. He’s just weird like this sometimes.” He finished tying her wrists. “That’s not too tight is it?”
“Not too bad…”
Frank nodded. “Okay. Let’s go.” he said leading her to the deck. He started tying her to the mast.
Hazel grimaced.
Frank finished tying her. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t like this…”
“I’m sorry. I’m just following orders. Percy’ll probably let us untie you guys later.”
Leo ran to the mast and quickly tied Calypso with the rest.
Hazel shook her head angrily.
Frank frowned and walked away with Leo.
The Argo II sailed toward a small town. “Leo turn on the helicopter camo!” Percy ordered.
Leo ran to the controls and flipped a switch.
Percy flew the ship into town and landed on the roof of an apartment building. He pushed a button and spoke into a radio. “Mom I’m here. Come on up.”
“Okay sweetie.” she replied.
Nico gave Percy a confused look. “Mom?”
Percy scowled at Nico. “What? A teenage boy can’t visit his mom just because he’s a pirate?”
“She obviously raised you wrong.” Nico said.
“Nico, hush!” Annabeth whispered.
Percy got in Nico’s face and grabbed his shirt. His nostrils flared. “Don’t talk about my mother that way or I’ll make you walk the plank from a thousand feet in the air into the ocean. My mother is the kindest woman in the world and if you dare to insult her you will face dire consequences. Understand?”
Nico snorted and shook his head not intimidated by Percy’s threat.
Percy pulled out his sword and held the tip to Nico’s throat. “Understand?”
Annabeth looked away.
A woman climbed on board. “Percy?”
Percy turned and walked over to her. “Hi mom. Good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too sweetie.” she said hugging him.
“Hi Sally!” Leo, Frank, and Jason said.
“It’s good to see you too boys.” Sally said. She looked over Percy’s shoulder to the girls and Nico. “Who are those people?”
“Uh… They’re our… guests?” Percy said.
Piper tried to talk through the gag.
“Oh!” Sally exclaimed. She started untying them.
“Um…” Leo mumbled.
“Mom!” Percy retied them. “Mom just leave them please?”
Sally started untying them again. “Percy, it’s rude.”
Jason and Frank stood to the side watching intensely.
“This’ll be interesting.” Jason whispered.
Percy tied the ropes again. “I don’t trust them. That’s why they’re tied up. I promise other than this we’ve treated them with nothing but kindness.”
“I’ve got eight bucks on Sally.” Frank whispered.
“You’re on.” Jason replied.
Sure. Kindness!” Nico complained.
Annabeth pouted.
“Percy Jackson! Do what I say or I will ground you for a week!” Sally said untying the ropes again.
Percy blushed and tied the ropes again. “Mom you’re embarrassing me! You said I could do whatever I want as long as I don’t hurt anyone and I don’t unless they threaten me first… Please just leave them?”
Sally dragged Percy away from the ropes and untied everyone.
Nico chuckled and rubbed his wrists.
Piper took the gag out of her mouth. “Bleh…”
Annabeth grinned and Hazel smiled.
“Thank you miss.” Calypso said.
Jason angrily handed Frank eight bucks.
Percy pouted.
“At least be nice while I’m here okay?” Sally said.
Percy sighed. “Yes Mom…”
Annabeth ran to the edge of the ship and looked over the side.
“Don’t even think about it!” Percy shouted.
“This is incredible!” Annabeth said. She looked to Leo. “You made this?”
Leo nodded. “With my own two hands.”
Annabeth grinned and continued looking around the ship. She looked to Percy and stuck her tongue out.
Percy pointed at her. “Mooooom!”
“She’s cute.” Sally whispered.
Percy sighed. He gestured to Piper. “That one can charmspeak you know. If she causes trouble I blame you.”
“I can control myself you dimwit!” Piper said.
“Mooooooom!” Percy complained.
Jason, Frank, and Annabeth chuckled.
“Percy, you are old enough to deal with this on your own.” Sally said.
Percy groaned. “So where do you want us to take you today? Dinner or something?”
“Yes, actually.” Sally replied.
Percy kissed her cheek. “How about Olive Garden?”
Percy nodded. “Leo set sails for Olive Garden!”
“I hope your guests don’t mind.” Sally said.
Percy looked at them then back at Sally. “I don’t have to invite them do I?”
Sally shrugged. “It’s the right thing.”
Leo’s eyes widened. “All of them?!”
Percy groaned. “Everyone we’re all going to Olive Garden! Woo hoo…” he said sarcastically.
Leo groaned.
Percy walked up to Jason, Frank, and Leo. “You are all helping me pay. I can’t pay for ten people by myself.
They groaned.
Annabeth crossed her arms. “I have money. I can pay for myself.”
“I’ll pay.” Sally insisted.
Percy straightened his collar. “No, no. Mom, I’m treating you to dinner. I can be a gentleman when I want to. You’re not paying either Annabeth. Even though you’re super annoying.” he said with a smirk.
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
“And get out of those silly clothes!” Sally ordered.
“Us too?” Leo asked.
“Yes. All of you!”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Yes moooom.” he said walking to his room. He came out a few minutes later in a tux and messy hair. “Better?”
Annabeth’s jaw dropped.
Jason and Frank came out next. “This feels weird…” Jason said.
“I feel like a dork…” Frank said.
Leo came out last. “I feel like a monkey…”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Can we go to dinner now Mom?”
“Do these ladies and boy have anything to wear?”
“No, it’s okay…” Annabeth said.
“Mom, I own exactly one tuxedo and that’s because you bought it for me the last time I visited.”
“You bought ours too Sally…” Jason said.
“And we’ve never had girls on the ship before so I don’t exactly have any dresses lying around…” Percy said.
Sally shook her head. “I don’t know Percy…”
“Really, it’s fine.” Annabeth insisted.
“What do you want me to do? Take them all shopping?” Percy said sarcastically.
“Can we?” Sally said.
“Really, I don’t think-“ Percy cut Annabeth off with a sigh.
“Leo change course. We’re going to the mall.”
Leo groaned and made a face.
“Do we have to?” Jason said.
“I hate shopping!” Frank complained.
“I don’t care. It’ll make my mom happy so shut up and follow orders.” Percy whispered.
“Woo hoo…” Jason mumbled.
“I love shopping…” Frank said.
“No… That’s not necessary…” Annabeth refused.
“Nonsense! It’ll be fun!” Sally insisted.
“No, really. We hopefully won’t be here long…” Annabeth said glancing at Percy.
He stared at the floor sadly.
Sally walked up to Annabeth. “They’re really nice boys if you get to know them. Percy is the sweetest boy I know. He’s just a little confused right now… Why don’t you give him a chance? Let him show you he can be decent? They may act tough, but I think all of these boys are just a little lost in their ways right now… They could change if someone put in the effort.” she whispered to Annabeth. She winked at her.
Annabeth blushed. “Thanks Ms. Jackson.”
“You’re welcome. And I promise that no harm will come to you or your friends as long as you’re here. Percy may be a little crazy sometimes, but he promised me he wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
Annabeth nodded and smiled.

Sally smiled back.

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