Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 5

There was a knock on Percy’s door.
“Come in!” Percy said.
Leo opened the door. He was covered in grease stains. “I fixed the lever…”
“It’s about time.”
“Am I in trouble?” Leo asked with a nervous look. Percy usually delivered harsh punishments for that sort of thing.
Percy sighed. “No. Just be a little quicker next time.”
Leo exhaled in relief. “Yes sir.” he said with a smile as he walked back out the door.
Percy shakily got up from his chair. “Come on. I gotta go check on Asa.” he said walking toward the door.
Annabeth followed him. “That poor kid…”
“Tell me about it… His father died a few years ago… He was a demigod.”
“I can’t imagine…”
“Yeah… I feel bad for the kid. He’s never really had a real family. Kyle took him in, but he doesn’t care. I doubt he even knows he’s gone…”
“Or even worse, he does care. That’s dangerous Percy. What if he comes back for him?”
Percy shook his head. “He won’t come back… My friend Grover used to be his best friend. One day they attacked our ship and Grover got knocked overboard. He can’t swim because he’s a satyr. Kyle ran back to his ship with the rest of his crew and they took off. He looked right at Grover, but didn’t bat an eye at his drowning ‘friend’. Grover would’ve died if I hadn’t saved him…”
“Oh would you two shut up? I can hear you over there, I’m not deaf!” Asa shouted from across the deck wiggling against his bonds.
“I’m not lying about him Asa.”” Percy said. “You shouldn’t trust Kyle.”
“He took me in when my dad died and he will come back for me!”
Percy sighed.
Annabeth looked to the sky. “It’s getting late Percy. He should eat something…”
Percy nodded and ran to his room. He grabbed an apple from the mini-fridge and ran back. He held the apple close to Asa. “Here. This’ll at least hold you over until Frank’s done making dinner.”
Asa scowled and moved his head away.
“Come on, you have to eat kid.”
“Not if you continue treating me like a prisoner!”
“Asa, we both know I can’t untie you until I can trust you. The last time you snuck onto my ship the toilet wouldn’t flush for two weeks!”
Asa chuckled. “That was good…”
Percy rolled his eyes. “That was disgusting…” He held the apple closer. “Just eat the apple please?”
Asa spit at his boots and Percy backed up. “Get away from me!” Asa shouted. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, draco maledicte. Ecclesiam tuam securi tibi facias liberate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.”
Percy made a confused face. “Um…”
“Is that an exorcism?!” Annabeth exclaimed.
Asa scowled at Percy and repeated the chant.
“Dude, quit it! All I did was try to give you a freaking apple! I don’t want you to starve to death!” Percy shouted.
Asa scowled.
Annabeth sighed. “Just leave him Percy.”
Percy rolled his eyes and tossed the apple overboard. “Fine, but he’d better not whine when he’s hungry later…”
It had been about a week now since they had brought Asa onto the ship. Percy, Jason, Frank, and Leo had all tried to get him to eat something, but he wouldn’t take food from anyone. Leo and Percy stood over Asa who was sound asleep. “We might have to force-feed him Leo. He hasn’t eaten anything all week! I’m worried about him…” Percy said.
“This is ridiculous! I can’t stop myself from eating every hour, how can he go a full week?” Leo said in awe.
“I have no idea… but he’s gotta eat something or he’ll starve to death. He’s gotta be hungry, I don’t understand why he won’t just eat something…”
Leo shrugged.
Percy crouched down and shook Asa a little. “Asa wake up!”
Asa’s eyes shot open. “What?!”
Leo crouched with Percy.
“Dude, you gotta eat something. You’ll die if you don’t…” Percy said holding out a burger.
Asa turned his head. “No. Go away. I don’t want you to waste your time on a stupid prisoner.” he said bitterly.
Percy frowned.
Nico walked over to them. “Mind if I try something?” he asked.
Percy turned toward Nico and shrugged. “Be my guest…”
Nico crouched next to Asa and started untying him.
“Woah, what are you doing?!” Percy exclaimed.
Asa rubbed his stick thin wrists. “Thank you…”
Percy, Leo, and Nico stood.
Nico nodded at Asa and turned to Percy and Leo. “It’s obvious that he doesn’t want you guys feeding him. It’s humiliating enough being captured and tied to a mast, but then being fed by the people who put you there? That’s just mortifying… I should know.”
Leo looked to the floor. “Oh…”
Asa stared up at Nico with a look of admiration.
Percy took a skeptical look at Asa then looked back to Nico. “Alright… You can let him eat in the kitchen. I don’t want him going anywhere alone though.”
Nico nodded and looked down at Asa. “Come on.”
Asa struggled to his feet and followed Nico.
“Percy, are you sure about this?” Leo asked.
“Turn on the alarms just in case.” Percy replied.
Nico paused and turned back to Percy. “I won’t need them.” he said a little angrily.
“Nico, it’s just a precaution-“
“He’s ten Percy! And you’ve had him tied up for over a week!”
Percy put his hands up. “Okay, calm down! We’ll leave the alarms off! But you know where to find me if you need to.”
Nico scowled. “Whatever…”
Percy started walking away, but he turned. “Oh, and Nico… would you be alright with keeping him in your room? I don’t like leaving him out here alone.”
“I would be honored.” Nico said defensively.
Percy nodded and walked back to his room.
Leo ran to his as well.
“Let’s go.” Nico said to Asa as he started walking toward the kitchen.
Asa ran after him with a limp.
Nico turned and raised an eyebrow. “You okay?”
“Yeah… It’s just… No one tended to my wounds. My leg hurts a bit… They didn’t care obviously…” Asa replied.
Nico shook his head. “Percy’s a nice guy… he’s just an idiot. He probably just forgot to check. Want me to check it out now or after you eat?”
“Well, that depends. How badly does it hurt?”
“I can’t feel it at all.”
“Then we should probably get that fixed before you eat.” Asa nodded and Nico lead him into the infirmary. He patted a chair. “Take a seat.” Asa sat down and Nico grabbed a first-aid kit from the cabinet. He crouched next to Asa and pressed a little bit behind his knee. “Can ou feel that?”
Nico presses a spot on his shin. “How about that?”
“Nothing… Not a normal nothing though, I mean nothing.”
Nico nodded. He felt around for a moment and pressed hard slightly above the knee.
Asa didn’t even flinch.
Nico sighed. “Okay, can you show me how high up you can’t feel anything?”
Asa started feeling up his leg and stopped mid-thigh. “It just feels stiff. I can put weight on it, but not much.”
Nico felt the spot and pressed hard. “You have a broken leg.”
“Wouldn’t I feel that?”
Nico shrugged. He took Asa’s hand and moved it to the spot. “Feel there. Can you feel the sharp point?”
Asa pressed lightly. “Ew…”
“You need a cast to keep the bone in place so it can repair itself. If it moves around too much it’ll get worse.”
Nico got up and grabbed two small planks of wood and a roll of bandages. He crouched next to Asa again. “Hold still while I set the bone. It’s gonna hurt.”
“It will?” Asa said with a nervous tone.
Nico nodded. “Yeah… Just squeeze my hand when I count to three and don’t scream.”
Asa nervously took hold of his hand.
“One… Two… Three!” Asa squeezed Nico’s hand as he pushed hard on his leg. There was a sickening crack as the bone snapped into place.
“F*CK!” Asa shouted.
Annabeth watched them from the doorway. “That’s some vulgar language for a little kid.”
Nico glanced at her. “What are you doing here?” he said as he held the wood to Asa’s leg and wrapped the bandages around it.
“I just need a band aid.”
Asa held his leg and winced. “Ow…”
Nico got up and handed him an ice pack. “Well, tell that idiot Percy that Asa’s got a broken leg. I just set the bone, but he couldn’t feel it at all.”
Asa held the ice pack to his leg and Annabeth’s mouth dropped. “What?”
“His leg is broken. Percy forgot to check his wounds after the fight. He couldn’t feel it at all.”
“I can feel it now.”
“It was probably a white pain.” Annabeth said.
“What’s that?” Asa asked.
“Like when your hand is so cold that it feels hot. It’s when it hurts so much that it’s numb.” She turned to Nico. “And don’t worry. I’ll tell Percy and he’ll get a personal a** whooping from me personally.”
Nico smirked. “Good. We’re going to get something to eat then go to bed.”
“Okay.” Annabeth walked out of the room. “PERCY!”
Nico and Asa chuckled. Nico grabbed a piece of metal from the corner and handed it to Asa. “Here. You can use this as a crutch.”
Asa nodded. “Thank you…”
Nico nodded with a small smile. “Come on buddy, you gotta eat something. You’re a twig.”
“I know… I’ll be fine.”
“You haven’t eaten in a week and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“My mother is a goddess and my father was a demigod. I have more immortal blood than you. I don’t have to eat as much.”
“It’s still not good for you. If you don’t keep your strength up you could wind up with more than a broken leg. The more immortal blood, the more vulnerable you are. Only the gods are immortal. Any less can result in death if you get cocky.”
Asa remained silent.
“Just trust me on this one. I once went almost three weeks without eating or sleeping and when I tried to shadow travel I almost killed myself.”
Asa looked to the floor then glanced up at Nico. “I am hungry…”
Nico nodded and helped him get up from his chair. He led him to the kitchen. “I think there’s leftovers and stuff in the fridge… There’s also stuff in the cabinet. Help yourself I guess…”
Asa looked around for about five minutes and he sighed. “I don’t know…”
“…Want me to ah… make you something?”
“Yeah, anything.”
“Okay. What do you like?”
“I’m not picky.”
Nico looked in the fridge and pulled out a package of uncooked burgers. “Cheeseburger?”
Nico turned on the grill and made a burger in five minutes. “I’m not the best cook, but… here.” he said handing it to Asa.
Asa took a bite and quickly scarfed down the whole thing.
Nico chuckled. “Want another one?”
“Yes please.”
Nico cooked up a few more burgers and set them down on Asa’s plate. “Eat a little slower. You’ll give yourself a stomach ache.”
Asa nodded, but he only slowed down when he started his third burger.
“And he said he wasn’t hungry…” Nico mumbled.
Asa gave a muffled retort with his mouth full.
“What was that?”
Asa swallowed. “I said you’re a butt face.”
Nico held up his bandaged hand. “So are you.”
Asa smiled and looked at his burger. “You like me though.” he said playing with the bun.
“Well I’m the one who tacked you and held you down. It’s kinda my fault you’re here.”
Asa shrugged. “It’s okay.”
“… I know how it feels… being treated like a prisoner…”
“It’s annoying is what it is.”
“Yeah… Me and my friends were prisoners you know.”
Asa looked up at Nico with curiosity. “Really?”
“Yeah. Percy actually kidnapped us…”
“…Why don’t you escape? Why are you fighting for him?”
“Well… he was a real jerk at first, but since we visited his mom he’s been a lot better… I think it was something Annabeth said to him.”
“He stopped tying us up a few weeks ago. He still locks all of the bedroom doors at night though.”
Asa pouted. “Butt face…”
“Hey, at least he trusts me enough to watch you right? It’s the first time he’s left any one of us alone with another captive…”
“That’s nice… He’s still a butt face though.”
Nico chuckled. “Yeah, a huge butt face.” They both laughed. Nico stood. “We should get to bed now. It’s late.”
Asa nodded. “Okay.”
Nico walked Asa to his room and tried the door. He groaned. “It’s locked.”
“Take my hand.”
Asa gave Nico a confused look and held his hand. “Why?”
Nico shadow traveled them inside the room. “That’s why.”
“My father is Hades.”
“Mmh… You can take the bed if you want.”
Asa sat down on the bed. “Thanks.”
“Uh huh.” Nico said. He sat down in the corner on the opposite side of the room.
Asa tossed him one of the pillows. “I only need one.” He lay down on the bed. “You can even sleep here if you want. It’s big enough.” he said scooting over so there was enough room.
Nico smiled. “I’m fine over here. Thanks though.”
Nico shut off the light. “Night.”
“Night.” Asa rolled over and fell asleep.
“RISE AND SHINE!” Leo shouted as he kicked open Nico’s door wearing nothing, but a towel around his waist.
Nico woke with a start and sat bolt upright drawing his sword. “WHAT HAPPENED?”
“It’s laundry day.” Leo said holding out the laundry basket. “Annabeth’s orders.”
“I am not taking my clothes off.”
Annabeth walked in wearing a long towel to cover herself. “Yes you are Nico. Everyone smells like cheese and dirty socks.”
“Can I at least keep my underwear?!”
“No. Don’t you have an extra pair?”
“Not really! Percy didn’t exactly give us time to pack extra clothes. It’s not like I keep an extra pair in my pocket!”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Just take off your clothes and put on a towel.”
Nico groaned and started changing.
Annabeth shook Asa lightly. “Asa…”
Asa groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. He looked around. “How come no one’s wearing clothes?”
“Because Annabeth’s bossy…” Nico said throwing his clothes in the basket. “Can you hurry up? This is disturbing and uncomfortable!”
Annabeth threw a towel at Nico and placed one in Asa’s lap. “It’s laundry day.”
Nico wrapped the towel around his waist as Asa changed under the covers. Asa handed Annabeth his clothes and shivered under the covers. Nico rubbed his arms. “Can we at least turn on the heat? It’s freezing in here!” he said.
Leo pressed a button on the wall and hot air started to pump through the vents. He and Annabeth walked out of the room.
“Percy!” Annabeth shouted as she walked into his room.
“What?! I’m already half-naked in my room, what else do you want?!” Percy replied.
She held up a pair of Frank’s jeans from the laundry basket. The jeans were tattered and full of holes. “Seriously, how long has it been?!”
“Since what?”
“Since you guys have had new clothes!”
Percy thought for a moment. “…Uh…”
“Exactly. You are going to stay here while I buy new clothes for everyone. It’s not okay to have your crew running around naked or in rags.”
“Multiple outfits. So we can have a regular laundry day.”
Annabeth crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
Percy sighed. “Leo! Can you set course for the nearest clothing store?”
Leo sighed. “Aye aye captain.”
Percy reached in his desk drawer and pulled out a wallet. He handed it to Annabeth. “Here. There should be enough in there for… whatever you want to buy.”
Annabeth kissed Percy’s cheek. “Thank you!” she said running toward the door.
Percy grabbed her shoulder. “Wait!”
Annabeth turned. “What?”
Percy glanced down. “I think you’re forgetting something.”
Annabeth looked down at her towel and blushed. “Oh…”
Percy chuckled. “I have some clothes that might fit you.” He reached in his drawer and pulled out a slightly smaller outfit similar to the one in the laundry. He handed it to Annabeth. “These don’t fit me anymore. They should fit you though. Sorry they’re a little…”
Annabeth smiled and took it. She kissed him. “It’s fine Percy. Thank you.”
He smiled and turned away as she pulled on the clothes.
“I’ll be back in a little bit.” she said running out the door, off the ship, and into the store.
Asa was lying on the bed while Nico sat in the corner in silence.
“… I’m BORED!” Asa said.
“That’s very sad.” Nico replied.
Asa hung off the bed. “Do something with me.”
“What do you want to do?”
“What do you want me to do? Summon a skeleton army?”
Asa rolled his eyes. “What about a puppy?”
“Yeah. Like I can summon a puppy.”
“I was being sarcastic, dummy.”
Nico sighed. “…What about you? Do you have any powers?”
Asa paused for a moment. “…Other than starving myself, no.”
Nico raised an eyebrow at Asa. “Really? Your mother’s a goddess and your father’s a demigod and you don’t have any powers?”
“…I think you do, but you just don’t wanna show me.” Nico said skeptically.
“I don’t okay?”
“Are you just afraid to show me?”
“I’m not afraid! I don’t have anything to show you! Stop asking me!”
Nico sighed. “Fine…” He stood up and opened the drawer in the desk. He pulled out a hacky sack. “How about this?”
Asa sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. “Sure.”
Nico tossed the hacky sack to Asa and he hit it back with his elbow. Nico punched it back to him and Asa caught it. “You lose.”
Nico sighed. “Whatever…” he said leaning against the wall.
“You’re not supposed to touch it with hands or feet.”
“I’ve never played before.”
“Try again.” Asa said. He threw the sack in the air and hit it to Nico with his knee.
Nico hit it back with his forehead. “Ow!”
“Wimp.” Asa said shouldering it back.
“Don’t call me a wimp.” Nico said hitting it back with his shin.
“Wimp!” Asa retorted smacking it back with his forehead.
“Oh, it’s on now!” Nico shouted smacking it back with his elbow.
Asa shouldered it back again.
The hacky sack flew at Nico and he accidentally hit it back with his neck. He coughed. “Ow!”
“How’d you do that?” Asa said hitting it back with his elbow.
“Accident.” Nico replied kneeing it back.
“Okay.” Asa hit it back with his head. “Owww.” he complained in a mocking tone.
“You’re a punk. You know that?” Nico said shouldering it back.
“I know.” Asa replied hitting it back with the top of his leg.
Nico rolled his eyes and hit it back with his foot. “F*ck!”
Asa hit it with his elbow and caught it in midair. “HA!” he shouted jumping to his feet and doing a victory dance.
Nico rolled his eyes and clapped slowly. “Congratulations.” he said sarcastically.
Asa looked down at his leg and sat down. “What…?”
Nico raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“How did…?” Asa replied moving his broken leg.
“What the…?” Nico kneeled down and pressed on Asa’s leg where it was broken. “That’s… impossible…”
Asa poked his leg and his eyes widened.
“I- your leg is healed… Did you-how…?!” Nico said with a slightly worried tone.
“I don’t know.” Asa replied. His tone sounded worried.
Nico gently took the cast off of his leg. “Can you stand on it?”
“I’m scared…”
Nico put on his best confident look. “It’ll be okay…”
Asa shakily got to his feet. “I’m fine…”
“I don’t understand… Did you eat some ambrosia or something?”
Asa gave Nico a confused look. “What’s that?”
“Never mind… It’s just something that speeds up healing for demigods in small portions.”
“I don’t know…”
“It has to be some kind of magic or something…”
There was a knock at the door and Nico opened it. Annabeth handed him a pile of new neatly folded clothes.
“Thanks. I’ve had enough of sitting around in a towel.” He shut the door and handed Asa some clothes and they both got dressed.
“WE HAVE AN ISSUE PERCY!” Leo screamed as he ran to the deck.
Percy ran out of his room. “WHAT’S WRONG?”
“I see another ship!” Leo replied tossing Percy his telescope.
Percy looked through the telescope. “It’s Kyle! Ready the cannons! Jason, get the lever!”
“On it!” Jason yelled as he ran to the engine room and flipped the switch preventing shadow travel.
Percy ran to the cannons and took aim on the other ship.
“Not the welcome I was waiting for.” Kyle said from behind.
Percy turned and drew his sword. “Get off my ship Kyle.” he said threateningly.
“Not without Asa.”
Asa ran out of Nico’s room. “NICO, I TOLD YOU HE’D COME BACK!” he yelled.
“Asa, wait!” Nico shouted running after him.
Asa ran onto the deck and toward Kyle. “KYLE!”
“Hey buddy…” Kyle said with a smile hugging him.
Percy gritted his teeth.
Annabeth ran out to the deck next to Percy. “What’s he doing here?!”
“He says he came back for Asa…” Percy said.
“What are you talking about?” Kyle said with a confident smile.
“You don’t care about him. You don’t care about anyone. The only one you care about is yourself.” Percy said.
“Leave him alone…” Asa mumbled.
“You called Grover your best friend and you left him to die!” Percy shouted.
“He was in better hands.” Kyle replied.
Asa stepped forward a little. “I said leave him alone.” He said in a threatening tone.
“You used to be my friend Kyle… You betrayed me.” Percy said.
Enough.” Asa ordered.
“That was years ago!” Kyle shouted.
“WHY DON’T YOU TELL HIM KYLE?!” Percy said gesturing to Asa. “TELL HIM HOW YOU BETRAYED ME!”
Kyle scowled at Percy. “I COULDN’T-“
“ENOUGH!” Asa screamed. He waved his arms and every solid object lifted off of the deck and into the air.
Everyone took a step back and stared at the floating objects with shocked looks. Except for Kyle who observed with a crazy grin.
“Leave him alone!” Asa screamed angrily.
“Atta boy!” Kyle shouted in approval.
Percy put his hands out in front of him. “Asa, calm down. We just want to help you…”
“NO!” Asa screamed. “Now tell me! What did Kyle do that was so terrible?!”
Percy frowned. “…He was my best friend. He used to be part of my crew. One day… one day he got tired of my orders and tried to kill my mom.”
Asa scowled. “You’re lying…”
Percy shook his head. “Asa, I swear on the River Styx I am not lying to you.”
Asa gave Kyle an unsure look. “Kyle… you didn’t…”
Kyle shrugged. “I’m a pirate. What do you expect? I’ve never hurt you. I’ve been nothing, but good to you.”
Nico frowned. “Don’t listen to him Asa…”
Asa turned with a look of fury in his eyes. “He took me in for years! All you did was tie me to a mast and starve me!”
Kyle pulled out his sword. “You did what?”
Percy took a small step forward. “Asa-“
Nico stepped in front of Percy. “Maybe you won’t listen to Percy, but listen to me! He’s using you Asa. You’re like a pawn to him. Once he’s done with you he’ll throw you away like garbage. You have to trust me…”
Asa stepped forward. “YOU DON’T KNOW THAT…!”
“Come on Asa.” Kyle said. “You’re better than this. So much more powerful…”
“Please Asa! You have to trust us! At least trust me… I helped you.” Nico said.
“They’re trying to trick you Asa…” Kyle said. “Don’t listen to them.”
“I know!” Asa shouted. He waved his hand and a barrel flew into Percy knocking him into the mast.
“Percy!” Annabeth shouted running to his side.
“Asa stop!” Nico shouted.
“NO!” Asa screamed.
Percy sat up shakily and mumbled “His dad…”
Asa raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Percy, what are you talking about…?” Annabeth asked helping Percy to his feet.
“Asa’s dad… Kyle poisoned him…” Percy said.
Asa turned to Kyle. “What?”
“I don’t know what he’s talking about Asa.” Kyle said. “He’s lying.”
“He is…” Asa said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anything.
“I’m not lying Asa.” Percy said. “Kyle poisoned your father. He slipped it into his drink and watched him die.”
“HE’S LYING!” Kyle shouted defensively.
“Y-you’re lying…” Asa said. “How would he even know my father? He found me on the streets…”
“He heard of your powers Asa.” Percy said. “He needed a way to get to you.”
“I would never do a thing like that buddy.” Kyle said. “If anyone killed Henry, it was him. He’s lying to you.”
“Kyle trained me himself…” Asa said. “He taught me how to use my powers fo- wait…” He turned to Kyle. “I don’t remember telling you my father’s name…”
“Um…Sure you did. Remember?” Kyle said nervously.
Nico looked to Asa. “Don’t listen to him…”
“SHUT UP!” Asa screamed.
“Asa, listen to me! He killed your father! Grover was there when he put the poison in his drink!” Percy shouted.
“They’re trying to deceive you Asa. Listen to me. They’re trying to turn you against me.” Kyle said.
“He’s lying to you Asa!” Nico yelled.
Everyone continued shouting different things all at once trying to get through to Asa.
He balled his fists at his sides and the entire ship started to rumble. “BE QUIET!” he screamed.
Everyone fell silent.
“You’re all so stupid… Kyle lies to me, and you all treat me like I killed someone…” Asa shook his head. “All of you just want to use me…”
“Asa, that’s not true.” Nico said in a calm tone. “We want to help you. Please come with us…”
Kyle scowled. “Asa, don’t go with them.” he said in a threatening tone.
Asa pointed at Kyle. “YOU KILLED MY FATHER!” he screamed. He waved his hand throwing Kyle overboard.
“Asa!” Annabeth shouted.
Kyle flew back towards Asa. “Okay… I’m done playing Mr. Nice Guy…” He flew at Asa and grabbed his wrist lifting him high into the air.
“Asa!” Nico shouted.
“Let go of me!” Asa shouted as he struggled against Kyle’s grasp.
Nico quickly turned and ran into the engine room.
“You had a choice kid!” Kyle shouted. “You chose wrong!”
Asa swung at Kyle. “How could you?!” he screamed as tears started to flow down his cheeks.
Kyle squeezed his wrist tighter. “Like I said! I’m a pirate! Nobody said I have to be nice! You’re coming with me whether you like it or not!”
In the engine room, Nico pushed the shadow travel lever into the ‘off’ position and transported himself to the crow’s nest. He jumped at Kyle. “LET HIM GO!” he screamed as he landed and clung to his leg.
‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET GO OF ME!” Kyle screamed.
Asa’s wrist slipped free of Kyle’s hand and he plummeted toward the water. “HELP!” he screamed.
“ASA!” Nico yelled. He let go of Kyle’s leg and fell toward Asa. He grabbed him and shadow traveled down to the ship breaking their fall on some crates filled with sand. He took a shaky breath as he stood up. “You alright Asa?”
“N-no…” Asa replied weakly.
Nico crouched next to him and there was a loud ‘pow!’ Nico screamed and fell to the floor.
Kyle slowly floated down to the deck with a smirk on his face and a gun in his hand.
Asa waved his hand and Kyle went flying into the water. He held him down until the splashing and bubbles stopped. Then Asa fell to his knees and sobbed.
Percy and Annabeth ran to him. Percy checked Nico’s pulse. “…He’s still alive.”
“I’ll take him to the infirmary…” Annabeth said. She got Leo and together they lifted Nico and carried him away.
Percy looked to Asa. “You should come too so we can patch you up.”
“No, I’ll be fine.” Asa replied.
Percy touched his leg and showed Asa the blood on his fingers. “I beg to differ. Come on.”
Asa shoved Percy. “I’M FINE!”
“…Okay. Are you gonna be okay?”
“WHY WOULD I BE?” Asa screamed shoving Percy away again.
“Okay. I’ll leave you alone.” Percy said calmly. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kyle’s ship sailing away. “You’re welcome to stay here with us if you want…”
“Do I have much choice?”
“I know… I just want you to know you’re welcome here. You’re not a prisoner.” Percy said as he limped away toward the infirmary.
About forty five minutes later, Nico came back to the deck and sat down next to Asa.
“…I’m sorry.” Asa said.
“What are you sorry for?” Nico asked.
“For doubting you…”
“Asa, you had every right to doubt me. Kyle’s been there for you for a long time. He was like an older brother. There’s no reason you should be sorry. I’m not mad.”
“I should have known…”
“There’s no way you could’ve known… I know how it feels.”
Asa shook his head and turned away with a frown.
Nico put a hand on his shoulder. “I really do. I lost my sister a few months ago…”
“Yeah…” Nico reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square of ambrosia. He held it out to Asa. “Eat this.”
Asa took it and looked at it with a confused expression. “What’s this?”
“It’s ambrosia. You’ll need it to heal your wounds.”
Asa took a bite. “Weird…”
“Feel better?”
“A bit… It’s warm.”
“That’s fine. Just don’t eat any more than that.” Nico looked up at the moon starting to rise. “It’s getting late. We should get to bed.”
Nico stood and offered his hand.
Asa took it and stood up.
They walked to Nico’s room and opened the door. Inside was a new bunk bed. “What the…?” Nico said.
Asa shrugged.
Nico shrugged as well. “Whatever… Probably Percy.” He climbed to the top bunk. “Night.”

“Night.” Asa replied climbing in the bottom bunk falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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