Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 7

Asa angrily kicked a rock and sent it flying out of sight.
Nico put a hand on his shoulder. “You okay…?”
Asa pulled his arm away. “NO! This was a STUPID idea!”
“As, I know how you feel. When my sister died I did everything I could to get her back. All I did was push her away… She chose rebirth and now I’ll never get to see her again. Don’t make the same mistake I made…”
Asa wiped his eyes. “He wouldn’t.” he said stomping away from Nico.
“Asa please-“
“Imagine going from having everything to nothing then thinking you just might have something back, but it being nothing all over again! Being the nothing that took everything! I can never get any of it back! I will never go fishing with my dad again! I will never hear him yell at me because I disobeyed him! I will never hear him say I love you again…” Asa said as a few more tears fell from his eyes.
“Asa I understand. I know how you feel. I actually considered ending my own life so I could be with Bianca. I actually tried… It’s not the right thing to do…”
“I’m just going to blow something up anyways… Someone will get hurt…”
“Asa, we’re going to help you. Once you learn how to use your powers you won’t be dangerous. Ending it all now isn’t gonna do any good.”
Asa sighed and covered his face leaning against a tree.
Nico put a hand on his shoulder again. “I’m not sure if it helps, but I’m here for you if you need me…”
Asa nodded. “Just sometimes it’s not enough, you know?”
Nico nodded. “Believe me, I know…” he said leaning on the tree as well. “…He is still with you, you know…”
“I know, but I don’t see him…”
“Just because you don’t see him doesn’t mean he isn’t there. He’ll always be with you here.” Nico said placing a hand over his heart.
“It’s not good enough…”
“I know. It’s never enough, but you just have to have hope. One day, maybe not soon, but one day you will see him again. If you just keep doing what you’re supposed to do you’ll meet him again one day in Elysium.”
“That’s where he is? What’s that?”
“Elysium is like the Greek version of heaven. It’s for souls that have achieved greatness and proven their worth in life. From Elysium you can either choose to stay or you can choose rebirth into a new life. If you achieve Elysium in three different lifetimes you go to The Isles of the Blessed.”
Nico nodded with a small smile.
“…Can we go home now?” Asa asked.
“Yeah. It’s getting late anyway.” Nico replied looking up at the sunset.
Asa took Nico’s hand.
“I want you to try shadow travel again.”
Asa concentrated and they both moved about a foot forward. He sighed. “I can’t do it…”
“Hey, it’s better than before. You just need to practice.”
“I guess…”
“You did a good job. I’ll take us the rest of the way.” Nico said as he transported them back to the ship.
“Thanks…” Asa said still sounding a little sad.
“You gonna be okay?”
“I don’t know…”
“…Maybe we should just go to bed. That might take your mind off of things.”
Annabeth walked into Percy’s room. “You okay?”
Percy turned to her. “Yeah, why?”
“I don’t know. Lot of stress lately…”
Percy shrugged. “Yeah… I’m just trying to figure out where we’re going.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean by that?”
Percy sighed. “Well, usually after we leave one town we just go to the next one and the next one… That’s all we’ve ever really done… Since I’m trying to change, I don’t know where else to go…”
“…I don’t know Percy, I’m sorry.”
Percy gave her a helpless look and glanced at the ship’s controls. “I would just set us down somewhere, but it’s too dangerous. People know about me and the others all around. I don’t care if I’m arrested, but I don’t want to put the others in danger…”
Annabeth thought for a moment. “…Let’s go somewhere they don’t then. Start over.”
“Like where?”
Annabeth shrugged. “Kansas… Boston… but you’d have to lose the ship.”
“How come?”
“You can’t start over with this thing near you until you learn.”
“…Why not?”
“Because. How easy would it be to just get on the ship again and go on a rampage?”
Percy sighed. “I guess you’ve got a point…”
Annabeth put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”
Percy smiled. “Thanks.”
“Nico?” Asa said quietly shaking him a little.
Nico woke up. “Hmm?” he mumbled sleepily rubbing his eyes. He blinked and focused on Asa. “Asa, it’s late. What’s the matter?”
“I was wrong…”
Nico raised an eyebrow. “About what?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… I let my temper get the best of me. I- the person I thought cared didn’t… so as soon as the person I knew cared came along, I didn’t want to let him go.”
Nico gave him a small smile. “Hey, it’s not your fault. For most of your life, Kyle was like an older brother. It seemed like he was taking care of you. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want to let your dad go. He was the only family you had. I felt the same way when I lost my sister.”
Asa took a shaky breath and hugged his knees.
Nico put a hand on his shoulder. “… You wanna know a secret?”
“When life gets really tough, it helps when you have good friends.”
“But I don’t…”
“You’d be surprised…” Nico said with a small smile.
“W-what do you mean?” Asa asked.
“Well, I think we’re friends. And the others would be too if you’d let them.”
“But I can’t let them. They tied me up. They’ve done nothing for me…”
“Percy helped you realize who you could trust. Annabeth helped you by yelling at Percy when he didn’t do anything about your leg. You just have to give them time Asa…”
“I don’t want time… I want to do things…”
“Well, what kind of things do you want to do?”
“Find my mom… travel…”
“Well, your mom might be a little tough seeing as she’s a goddess, but we could probably travel.”
“No we can’t… I heard Percy and Annabeth talking about losing the ship and settling down, stopping all this…” Asa said with a frown.
“Well, why don’t you talk to them? See if they’ll reconsider?”
Asa shrugged. “Let them. I can find another ship…”
Nico rolled his eyes and climbed to the floor. “That’s not a good idea. Come on, I’ll go with you. We can ask together.”
Asa crossed his arms stubbornly.
“I will drag you there if I have to. Come on.”
Asa lay down on the floor. “Try.”
Nico sighed and yanked at the boy’s foot.
Asa didn’t budge and raised an eyebrow mischievously.
“Think you’re funny, huh?”
“Yes. Yes I do.”
Nico shadow travelled them in front of Percy’s door and smirked. “I think I’m funny too.”
Asa furrowed his eyebrows. “Ass.” he said not getting up from the floor.
Nico chuckled. “If you don’t get up, I’ll just knock on the door and leave you here.”
Asa scrambled to his feet. “No!”
Nico chuckled again. “Come on I’m sure they’ll be reasonable.” he said knocking on the door.
“One second!” Percy said.
Asa hugged Nico’s side nervously.
Nico put a hand on his shoulder.
Annabeth poked her head out the door.
“H-hi…” Asa stuttered.
Nico looked to Annabeth. “Asa has a question for Percy.”
Asa looked up to Nico. “I thought you were gonna ask them something!”
“I said I’d come with you Asa. You still have to ask.” He looked back to Annabeth. “Can we come in?”
Annabeth nodded. “Of course…”
Asa frowned. “But you said-”
“I said we’ll ask together.” Nico cut him off. “I’ll help you if you get stuck, but I want you to try first.” he said walking Asa into the room.
Percy struggled with a shirt in his chair. “Where is the head hole?!”
Annabeth shook her head and went over to help him.
Asa tried to shadow travel away, but only went about a foot backwards groaning when he saw he was still in the room.
Nico chuckled a bit and dragged Asa back forward.
Percy smiled at Annabeth. “Thank you.” He looked to Nico and Asa. “What’s up?” he asked.
Asa slumped as Nico dragged him back. “The sky…” he mumbled innocently.
Percy chuckled. “Did you want to ask me something?”
Nico elbowed Asa lightly. “Yes.”
Asa glared up at him and a pencil flew at his head from Percy’s desk. “No.” he confirmed to Percy.
“Ow…” Nico mumbled.
Percy raised an eyebrow. “So… You just wanted to pay us a visit?”
“Yep!” Asa said cheerily.
Nico sighed. “He does have a question, he’s just nervous about asking.”
Percy smiled at him. “You can ask anything Asa. I promise I don’t bite.”
Asa frowned.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Nico, just tell us. He’s about as stubborn as Percy from what I see.”
Percy furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “I resent that.”
“I told him I’d help him if he got stuck.” Nico said. “I want him to try first.” He looked to Asa. “You’re not trying.”
Asa crossed his arms. “And I’m not going to. You’re wasting your time anyway. Cats can’t talk.” he said turning into a cat.
Annabeth gaped in awe.
Nico sighed. “Fine. I’ll ask if you change out of cat form.”
Asa turned into a mouse and ran up to Nico’s shoulder.
Annabeth continued staring wide-eyed. “How…?”
Nico shrugged. “Don’t ask me.” He glared at Asa. “She’s right. You are as stubborn as Percy.”
Percy raised his arms. “Sitting right here!”
Asa uttered a high-pitched laugh and jumped from Nico’s shoulder, turning human on the way down.
“I’ve never ever seen that!” Annabeth said still in complete awe.
“Me neither.” Nico said looking quite annoyed.
Percy coughed. “Can someone please tell me what the question was?!”
Asa reclined back with a smug look on his face and started floating mid-air. “Yeah, Nico. Tell them.”
“You’re a punk.” Nico said.
Asa giggled.
Nico sighed and turned to Percy. “Asa wants to continue travelling… on the ship, that is.”
Percy’s eyes widened slightly. “Um…” He trailed off looking to Annabeth.
“…Percy and I were thinking of settling down somewhere. Lose the ship, start over…” Annabeth said.
“See?” Asa said.
“Shut up.” Nico scolded. “Asa was hoping you might reconsider.”
Percy frowned and looked to Annabeth then back to Nico and Asa. “I-I’ll have to think about it, alright?”
Asa rolled his eyes and suddenly turned invisible.
“Asa-Ugh!” Nico shouted.
“Asa, Percy’s just trying to right his wrongs right now.” Annabeth said. “He’s not sure what he wants to do, so we’re trying to find a way for him to find his place.”
“Yeah…” Percy said. “There’s a lot of things I’ve done that I want to fix before I even think about just travelling anymore…”
“Whatever…” Asa said. Suddenly, he fell from about four feet off the ground completely visible.
Percy jumped back. “WHAT THE-?”
“OW!” Asa shouted.
“SORRY!” Leo said through the radio. “I was testing the anti-magic shield!”
Asa groaned as he lay flat on the floor.
“A little warning next time would be nice!” Percy shouted.
Nico helped Asa to his feet. “You okay?”
Asa brushed himself off. “I’m fine.”
“Good. Now, Percy said he’ll think about it. Just be patient, alright?”
Asa groaned. “Fine… When’s my magic gonna come back?”
Percy shrugged. “I dunno. Probably a few hours. You’ll definitely have it back by tomorrow.”
Asa grumbled some curses and stomped to the door.
Nico sighed. “Thanks anyway guys. Night.”
“Night.” Percy said.
After Nico and Asa left, Percy started setting the ship’s controls.
Annabeth looked over his shoulder. “So where are we going?”
“I’m taking us to your town. I want to set things right.”
“What? Percy, that’s a terrible idea.”
He shook his head. “No. If I’m gonna change, I feel like I should fix the damage I’ve caused already… Plus, I remember your dad was there. He doesn’t know where you are or if you’re even alive…”
Annabeth sat on the bed and frowned. “He doesn’t care…”
“That’s not what it looked like to me…”
“You haven’t met him…”
Percy gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’ll see.” he said with a small smile.
Annabeth sighed. “Goodnight Percy.”

Percy climbed to the top bunk. “Night.”

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